مؤلفات الاستاذ / ابراهيم الاحمدى

الخميس، 25 أغسطس 2016

1100 كلمة تحتاج لمعرفتها

All new words for students to learn are placed in the context of sentences that have been selec...ted from well-known novels, plays, poems, newspaper editorials, and TV broadcasts. For optimal ease and enjoyment in learning, the authors recommend 15-minute sessions with this book. Over the years, thousands of students preparing for the SAT and ACT have relied on previous editions of 1100 Words You Need to Know as an ideal way to strengthen their word power. A new feature in the sixth edition is The Lighter Touch 100, a collection of 100 funny one-liners which use words from the book that you need to know.

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