مؤلفات الاستاذ / ابراهيم الاحمدى

الجمعة، 16 أكتوبر 2015

الرئيسية برنامج رائع لرسم الاشكال الهندسية بسهولة ويمكنكم الكتابة فية باللغة العربية EucliDraw

برنامج رائع لرسم الاشكال الهندسية بسهولة ويمكنكم الكتابة فية باللغة العربية EucliDraw


هو برنامج رائع لرسم الاشكال الهندسية بسهولة ويمكنكم الكتابة فية باللغة العربية حروفا و ارقاما ، لكتابة الارقام نستخدم خط يدعى رموز الرياضيات العربية ويمكن تفعيله من خلال واجهة البرنامج ,
 من خلال رسم الشكل المطلوب ثم نسخه الى الوورد ( مثل الامتحانات المدرسية )
  يسهل علينا رسم الشكل المطلوب اذ يتميز بالمرونة في التحكم في الشكل ، البرنامج يختص بالهندسة الاقليدية المستوية ، يمكن الرسم من خلاله الاشكال الهندسية لمراقبة التغيرات فيها ، امكانيات البرنامج رسم النقاط ، الزوايا ، الاقواس ، الاسهم ، المحاور ، الدوائر ، القطوع المخروطية ، المنحنيات ، الخطوط ، وضع اشارة على الزاوية والاقواس ، المضلعات ، القطع المستقيمة ، المثلثات ، اشكال هندسية اخرى ، وغيرها ,

يوجد به امكانيات متقدمة مثل البرمجة ، البرنامج يدعى EucliDraw وهو برنامج جديد على الساحة ،

 ويمكنكم تحميل نسخة منه ( الديمو Demo ) من موقعه الرئيسي

ويجري تحديث للبرنامج باستمرار ، لا تقلقوا بشأن نسخة الديمو فهي نسخة بتشتغل معكم بدون فترة محدودة فهي تقريبا نسخة شبه كاملة إلا انه يوجد بها: الحفظ باسم و الطباعة معطلان( لا نستطيع حفظ الشكل كصورة) ،
ما بهمنا ان نرسم الشكل ثم ننسخه الى الوورد , وقد وجدت ان افضل طريقة لنسخ الشكل هي استعمال برامج التصوير (capture ) اي تصوير جزء معين ( منطقة مستطيلة ) او تصوير الشاشة بالكامل

Welcome to EucliDraw®

A program for dynamic Euclidean Geometry

What is it?

EucliDraw®, abbreviated EUC, is a program that draws figures of plane Euclidean Geometry. It is the modern drawing instrument, simulating the paper surface, the ruler, the compass and dozens of other specialized tools, that enable you to draw complicated figures, instantly and with high precision. Apart from the ready-to-use tools, it embodies an integrated programming environment in which you can script and compile tools of your own invention. Thus, you can extend its possibilities, without limits, create collections of specialized tools and, from time to time, construct precise figures that nobody has ever seen.

EucliDraw is the result of a long period of development, initiated in 1990 at the University of Crete and continuing until today. A first static version of the program was published and is available as freeware since 1998, under the name Isoptikon. The motivation for the development of the program, besides the natural inclination of its creators to Geometry and Programming, was the desire to contribute to the relieving of Geometry. All of Mathematics but especially Euclidean Geometry has the character of a play of exceptional beauty. Besides it is also "unbounded". It can be developed in infinite directions and as far as one is willing to explore unknown areas. It is the intention of this program to stay as close as possible to these ideas: "play", "beauty" and "unboundedness". It is the privilege of the User to judge if we had succeeded in this undertaken. Our effort on these lines, though, will continue in the years to come.

logosm What does it do?

EucliDraw replaces the paper with the screen-surface of your computer and the pencil with the mouse. To construct a shape, you first choose a tool and then click and drag the mouse. Sometimes a single click on the object adds instantly some other significant shape, for example the mid-point of a segment, or the circumcircle of a triangle. The word "dynamic" means that the relations between shapes are preserved if, after their construction, you modify them. Thus, for example the medians of a triangle are correctly redrawn if you change the position or the shape of a triangle. This feature opens new possibilities to discover theorems. For example whatever modifications you do to your triangle on the screen, you see that the three medians meet always at a point. Here are some of the features of the program:

  • Ready to use elementary shapes such as points, segments, lines, triangles, quadrangles, regular polygons, circles, conic sections etc.

  • Ready to use special shapes such as right-angled or iscosceli triangles, circular quadrangles, regular polygons, ellipses, hyperbolas, parabolas etc.

  • Special, extendable, catalogue of triangle-center-tools

  • Number-objects and formula-objects that interact with each other or operate on objects

  • Function graphs, parametric curves, dynamic geometric loci and envelopes, Bezier curves

  • Euclidean transformations: reflexions, translations, rotations. Also homothetic, Moebius, and homographic transformations

  • Arbitrary transformations, using the programming environment

  • Motors that generate animations and moving mechanisms (linkages)

  • Automatic generation of scripts by pressing a button

  • Integrated programming environment to create all kinds of tools and transformations

  • Capability to save the constructions in various formats for example in "eps" to enable their inclusion in tex files, or "emf" for inclusion in "Word" documents

  • Capability to save the document as html-page in order to upload it to your web-site

  • Scheme-Sockets to combine and generate complicated schemes and fractals

  • Bezier curves and possibility to handle them dynamically

  • Automatic generation of Scheme-descriptions, explaining how a ready to use scheme was constructed

  • Implicitly defined curves as dynamic geometric objects

  • Drive Maxima from within EucliDraw and have access to a powerful Computer Algebra System (CAS).

  • Exploration of Coincidences of points on lines or circles, lines on points, equal angles etc.new The program works in the Windows platform. It is written in C++, is fast, efficient and occupies little space (about 5.9 Mbytes) on the hard disk.


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